Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Brave by James Bird

There are a couple of things that you want to know about Collin before you read his story.  

First, he has a condition in which he counts all of the letters of the sentences that people say to him.  So, if you say, "Hi, Collin!"  He cannot help himself.  He will say 8 before he says anything else.  You can imagine that this is a challenge for him as he talks to different people who are not always kind about his innate need to say the number before responding. 

Second, Collin lives with his dad.  He doesn't know his mom or anything about his mom's family.

So...when he gets expelled from school and his dad is also having a hard time personally, it is decided that Collin will go to live with his mom.

Collin's mom is a Native American woman and lives on a reservation.  The family and the life that he encounters on the reservation is very different from what he is used to.  Will he be able to adapt to life with his mom?  What will happen with his friendship with the girl next door?

Find out in this week's WOW Wednesday book--The Brave by James Bird

I really enjoyed this book.  Collin's story gave me a window into what it is like to have a condition that people do not understand fully.  This story truly made me appreciate the power of kindness, patience and understanding.  If only we could all be as wise as Collin's grandmother...but you will find out more about her when you read this story.  I highly recommend it. 

If you like to watch book trailers, here is one put together by the publisher of The Brave.

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