Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Reading Challenge--a confession

Well, if you have been following my progress on instagram and/or twitter, you will see that it does not seem as though I can count.  Now, I don't even really know who to blame except the person I see in the mirror every day.  I just lost count.  I think I have figured it out.  I went on vacation, and while I was visiting college campuses with my son--I had books in hand.  I read quite a bit that week, but I did not log it on instagram and/or twitter.  If you have been following this blog, you know that I have been very lax with keeping this up to date.  Yikes!
The great thing is--you see that I am human.  I understand the fact that it is hard to remember when I read something if I don't write it down.  I mention this because I know that some of you will have problems in turning in documentation for the summer reading challenge. Please, I beg you--write it down, take a picture that you number correctly, keep them all on a shelf in order, OR--use the documents I provided.  I know...that may take some time.  I get it, but I promise you--it will be worth it.
Now, I was getting down on myself for not meeting my goal of reading 60 books, and I am not sure that I will meet it.  But, once I took the time and did the math--I am much closer than I thought.  I am actually reading books 33 and 34 right now.  One is non-fiction and one is fiction.
That is exciting.  I usually read a lot over the summer, but now I have a record of exactly what and approximately the time at which I finished them.
So...your librarian is not infallible, but I am reading for myself and for you.  I cannot wait to see all of you and share what I have read.  And, hear about what you have read.

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